If animals could talk, what would they say?0018 Betsy Cow teaches Gods word

If animals could talk, what would they say?0018 Betsy Cow teaches Gods word

Help Kingdom Ministries reach out and LOVE our community. In Production now is our project “ACTS OF LOVE”. Email your acts of “LOVE” to karr@publicfilefcc.com Kingdom Ministries is reaching out to love their neighbor by teaching our children the Gospel. Kids learn scripture, life lessons, morals and values. Join Betsy Cow, Blue Boo Hoo, Sheeeeeeepy and all their animal friends as children learn to “LOVE” others. Participate in the ABC’s and 1,2,3’s of educational subjects.

Picture your kind act animated. Join Kingdom Ministries in the production, "ACTS OF LOVE". Watch your experience in animation and share the memory with your friends. Email karr@publicfilefcc.com or send it to Sherrie Karr, 56526 Napa Rd. Yucca Valley, California 92284

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