Volatile Volcanoes DNG

Volatile Volcanoes DNG

Download N Go™ unit studies are interactive and engaging one-week studies that are cross-curricular (include history, geography, science, etc.). They include integrated lapbooking components, and are ready to use immediately—no preparation required. Don't be surprised if your students wake up each day, asking what they will get to do for school that day!

This series of unit studies offers a new kind of learning experience. They contain daily lessons and lapbook instructions designed for K - 4 students—woven together with eye-pleasing pages and interactivity based on exciting themes—ready for immediate use. There are no expensive resources required; these units are complete and very affordable. Many homeschoolers love this method because it works so well for simultaneously teaching multiple age levels. Each unit is designed to be one week of hands-on learning adventures for kids from K - 4.

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