(STV) Stop The Violence Mixtape

(STV) Stop The Violence Mixtape

On July 7, 2013, - DJ I Rock Jesus & Life Power Music releases one of the most Powerful Mix tape of 2013

(STV) Stop the Violence Mix-tape

The purpose of this mix-tape is to help the youth realize that there is more to life than killing, drugs ,sex, and money. Anything that comes with violence, we need to do our part in helping this situation. We all know that the government is trying to get gun control but this mix-tape will teach the youth about self control.

I truly need your support to help getting the CD's printed up along with covers. This is a mix tape that talks about life issues. I know violence have affected your life in some way. You may not have money to donate that is fine, but when this mix-tape comes out all I ask is that you get it and pass it out everywhere.Churches if you need CD's Please call 757.746.3800 or e-mail me djirockjesus@gmail.com and to Donate go towww.djirockjesus.com

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