The House On Church Street,The Whole Story

The House On Church Street,The Whole Story

This is a story about a haunted house I lived in about 30 years ago. In Standish, Mi. I was only 21 yrs old when I moved into this, very innocent looking, but very haunted house. After moving in, sometime later I had opened doors I could not close. I was to find out I had awoken the spirits that inhabited a, Native American Indian grave site under the house. My life turned into a nightmare that would escalate into a battle between good & evil nightly for 4 years.My dad purchased an old house that was estimated to be about 100 years old. While digging underneath the house in preparation to level it with jacks, he stumbled upon some bones. After a little thought and some dismay, he determined that the bones appeared to be human.. He was very upset and dumbfounded by this discovery. Still in shock and disbelief, he turned the bones over to an official to be tested. Later, he was told that the bones had been from the body of a Native American and that there could be more bones under the house. They believed that my dad may have discovered a Native American burial ground. At that time no one seemed concerned, as Michigan was known to have Native American burial sites state-wide. My dad did not wish to disturb the burial ground any more than he already had. He placed the bones back under the house and buried them in the same spot he had found them. He did not continue to investigate, hoping he had not disturbed any spirits that were at rest or protecting the burial ground. It was a well known fact that many burial grounds in the state of Michigan were thought to have had curses placed on them by the Native Americans years ago for protection against intruders.

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