Mission Trip to Guatemala

Mission Trip to Guatemala

Mission Trip to Guatemala May 23-31, 2009 with students from Concordia Seminary St. Louis (Josh Baumann, Kevin Bueltmann, Marty Hasz, Jay Holden, Aaron Meyer, Adam Onken, Tom Roma), 2 wives (Tawn Bueltmann, Dru Hasz), led by Rev. Steve Hughey, Executive Director of CALMS (Central American Lutheran Mission Society).

We stayed all week in a lake house surrounded by volcanoes. Although a beautiful location, the lake is polluted. Pastor Abdiel Orozco and his wife Brenda of Castillo Fuerte (Mighty Fortress Lutheran Church) use a Kids Club program to reach out to the community. The lake house is where the church started another kids club ministry and medical clinic as an outreach to the families living in poverty along the abandoned railroad tracks. Pastor Abdiels brother, Dr. Elry Orozco and wife, Liz, are the backbone of Clinica Santa Cruz (Holy Cross Clinic) at Lake Ama!%$#lan. Across the street are 2,500 people who live on an abandoned railroad track after losing their homes in an earthquake a few years ago. They live in such poverty, but many of them are so rich in their Christian faith and are an inspiration and encouragement to us in our faith!

Friday morning we roasted marshmallows on an active volcano. What a climb! What an experience!

Contact CALMS at calms@calms.org or Lutheran Hour Ministries at cristoptln@guate.net for information about how your congregation can get involved in a short-term mission project that can help your members grow spiritually as they serve with Central Americans through strategic short-term projects.

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