Asleep Under The Heavens

Asleep Under The Heavens

This song called Asleep Under The Heavens is an original by Jordy Christo. The Lyrics came from a poem that one of Jordy's close friends wrote. The song is about a photo that was taken of a homeless man while he was sleeping under the heavens. The lady who took the photo also said a prayer for the homeless man when the picture was taken. One year later she discovered the photo as she was looking through her pictures and realized that the homeless man was now one of her close friends. The two of them had met one night when she had witnessed to him on the streets of our home town. She went to the park to visit with him the next day and invited him and his friends to attend church. They accepted and it was the beginning of a life long friendship. The homeless man named Scott was a musician and would sing and play his guitar for us in the park when we would visit him there.

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