Run Like a Girl

Run Like a Girl

Kathy Vick loves reminding women of the God-given power that lies within them—a power that does not diminish with age. Run Like a Girl tells readers that they don’t have to put an expiration date on their dreams. It’s never too late to pursue those interesting paths that you’ve always wanted to explore—and whether you’re retired, facing an empty nest, celebrating another birthday, or just facing the demands of daily life, this is the perfect time to step out of your comfort zone and “run like a girl.” The opportunities for new adventures are all around us…if we just change our perspective. Life is like a race, and you never have to put yourself out of the game and into the sidelines. Run Like a Girl explores this theme further, and full of short messages from women reflecting on what “running” means to them, quotes about the value of running, and inspirational scripture that invite women to explore, laugh, and reclaim the girl who lives just beneath their skin.

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