The Reality of an Imagined Image

The Reality of an Imagined Image

We live in a very visual world. When we see something it has an immediate impact on our thoughts and emotions. In this passage in Matthew, Jesus not only explains God's law, but He expands their application beyond merely acting but also thinking. While Jesus is addressing both adultery and divorce, He makes it clear that while the acts are sin, the thoughts that motivate them are just as sinful and damaging. Our thoughts, our internal imagined images, cause us to not only visualize a wrong desire, but they can also cause us to realize them through our actions. There are physical affairs, emotional affairs and even spiritual affairs. God created sex, he owns it and He will not hesitate to punish those who participate in sex outside of the marital bond. Being an infinite God, He has infinite means at His disposal to render just punishment. Sex is so much more than intercourse; the plethora of euphemisms regarding sex -- from "hooking up" to "going down" prove the extent Satan will go to attempt to confuse people regarding this issue. What God desires is a heart that hungers and thirsts after Him and His righteousness. His blessings are for those who desire this and avoid sin and for those who repent of their sin, turn from it and cease allowing it to be a first desire, and come back to a loving, obedient relationship with Him.

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