

Here are pictures of the horses at the Ranch. NOW, keep in mind that these pictures are from the winter so they aren't very good. The first horse, well pony, you see, that is Razzle Dazzle, or Razz for short. He was rescued last Decemeber and as you can see, is rather skinny. I think the second horse you see [has a red halter and you can see his ribs well]. We also rescued him last December as well. At that point in time he was still a colt stallion. He was later "treated" and is now a safe gelding and his new name is Spirit. He's such a good boi!

YES! The horse you see that seems to have only one eye shimmering in the cmaera light. She only has ONE eye. That's Dallas. She was blind in the one eye before last year and it had gotten to the point where it was either keep buying meds to hope that they are helping her or just remove the eye and end all the pain. So she's down to one eye and better than ever!


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