Change The World

Change The World

This video is about the Great Commission... if we want to change the world, what are we waiting for... God commands us to GO...

Question: What did you do today? Did you go shopping, take in a movie, wash your car or mow the lawn... that is all good, but a better answer to the question "What did you do today?"... "I built and orphanage in africa", "I fed hungry children in a third world country", "I equiped Pastors all over the world to help them fullfill the vision God has given them", "I provided life giving medicine for dying children in africa"...

THE POINT - Together, We Can Make A Difference... We can Change the World... Do something today that has eternal value... make your life count for Jesus and if you can not go, build, feed... then send someone... Here am I, Send Me!

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Shepherds Of Grace International

P.O. Box 5336

Aiken, South Carolina, 29804

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