Sex-Offender "Stranger Danger" - Fact or Fiction? -CWM

Sex-Offender "Stranger Danger" - Fact or Fiction?   -CWM

As a society we have chosen to deny certain persons (Ex-Offenders) an opportunity to shed a shameful past and the hope for a brighter future. These "Ex-Offenders" and often their families are struggling from day to day to navigate even the most basic of routines. As believers, having received forgiveness for our own shortcomings, we are obligated to extend that very forgiveness to others! (Mark 11:26 kjv; Mattew 6:14-15; Parable: Mattew 18:23-35) Convicted sex offenders are the wrong target for our efforts to prevent future sex crime. The people who have already been identified, convicted and sentenced to prison for sexual offenses are very unlikely to commit new crimes upon release.It is a statistical fact: Convicted sex offenders have very low recidivism rates. From 3 percent to 15 percent of such offenders will commit a new sex crime within five years of their release. This is very low compared with other categories of offenders. Known sex offenders are not going to commit most of the sex crimes that will take place in the next year. Most will be committed by people we know and trust, who have NOT been previously detected. We are better off teaching our children to speak up about harmful behavior than by passing new laws that will focus our already stretched criminal justice resources on the wrong group.

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