GOD will not leave you, be steadfast, faithful, and strong to HIM through it all!

GOD will not leave you, be steadfast, faithful, and strong to HIM through it all!

This U.S. President DOES NOT speak for this American citizen.

"For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them."

Matthew 18:20 (KJV)

At the signing of the Declaration of Independance, Bejamin Franklin is quoted as having replied to a comment by John Hancock that they must all hang together: "Yes, we must, indeed, all hang together, or most assuredly we shall all hang separately." - Benjamin Franklin (Wikipedia)

These are some difficult times, and situations are only just beginning to surface. It's during these times people lose hope, their faith is tested, and beliefs begin to waver. Stand strong! Stand tough! Be Steadfast! Even the apostles went through rough seas when the LORD wasn't in their sights. It's now that we need, should, and must pull together as one family united under GOD!

Do not be dismayed under all that is happening, all that's falling apart around you ... GOD is and has always been in control. Trust HIM! Believe in all you've learned of HIM! Have faith in who HE is and what HE's done for each and everyone of us! Do not allow anyone to steal your inheritance which GOD has waiting for us in heaven! Unit! Be firm and bold in your faith in JESUS CHRIST who is the KING, LORD, MESSIAH ...GOD!

Praise JESUS' blessed and holy name!

Pray for GOD to soften the heart of this U.S. President, and for him to turn away from evil and the evil one. Pray for peace throughout the world. Pray for protection for Israel, all nations, and all people for the true enemy is and has always been the evil principalities, ye, Satan itself.

GOD bless you, each and everyone.

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