(DAY 1 AGAIN) HOW ? THE FIGHT TO QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES! - Chantix, Zyban, Nicotine Patches, Gum

(DAY 1 AGAIN) HOW ? THE FIGHT TO QUIT SMOKING CIGARETTES! - Chantix, Zyban, Nicotine Patches, Gum

10-12-09: PLEASE SHARE YOUR EXPERIENCES WITH US, TO HELP US ALL in the battle to QUIT SMOKING these cigarettes. Thank You

I had to stop take Chantix on Day five due to a weird depression type feeling WHILE I WAS STILL SMOKING!

So I quit smoking with nicotine patches and gum, and started smoking again. 7-30-09 UPDATE: It lasted about 5 days, and I ended up smoking agian.

10-02-2009: As in the video I am on Day 1 and using Zyban ( Wellbutrin ) and nictonine supplents

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