memorial for Maria Sue Chapman

memorial for Maria Sue Chapman

Dear Chapman Family, there are so many words , yet not enough ...but they all are a stitch in the blanket of God..and are forming a cover of love, from Heaven, for your family to find comfort under, in this time of sorrow... this quilt of love that is being sewn comes from people all over the let you know you are loved, and carried , respected and blessed... we went to zellwood to lay flowers in memory of Maria,,,, we will cry, we will pray, we will sing your song... but never will we be able to take away your pain.....all we can do is just form tight stitches in the quilt of our Father.. to cover you with love , peace rest and healing..please accept this short video as our love for you, If all we can do is pray, then God tells us too."see...its ok..."

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