Our Storeis of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior

Our Storeis of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior

Our Stories of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior is a Christian guidebook on how believers can better understand same-sex attraction and what it could mean for those dedicated to belief in the Lord. Using a combination of first-hand narratives, research, and biblical commentaries, the author provides readers with a comprehensive collection of lessons and advice for Christians who themselves feel same-sex attraction or for their friends, family, and fellow church members. With a topic often cast in vitriol and polemics, readers should take to heart the author's honest and genuine sense of care for his fellow brothers and sisters in Christ.

"Our Stories of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior is a powerful read for the entire Christian church, Christian leaders and especially for those who are experiencing same-sex attraction." - Rev. Anthony Evans, President, National Black Church Initiative

"Our Stories of Overcoming Homosexual Behavior" is a compassionate, truthful, and “very” “very” valuable resource for the Church -Dr. Eddy K. Lau, Hong Kong Institute of Christian Counselors

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