Northern District Council Promo from Bishop Gary Harper

Northern District Council Promo from Bishop Gary Harper

Tuesday (Men's Ministry)

Evening service:
6:30 PM - Speaker: Pastor Avery Burrel, Christ Temple, Muskegon Heights

Wednesday (Missionary and Christian Women's Auxiliary)
W.O.W. (Women of Worth) Council session
11:00 AM - Panel: "Staying Saved and Committed During These Trying Times"
6:30 PM - Illustrated Sermon: "The Four Women Who Loved Jesus"

Thursday (General session)
Evening Service:
7:00 PM - Bishop Gary Harper, NDC Chairman and Pastor, Greater Grave Temple-Taylor

Friday (General session) -
11:00 AM - Singles Ministry - Evang Melinda Peterman: Topic: "Single, Saved, and Satisfied"

11:00 AM - Ministers' Wives/Widows - Lady Crisette Ellis
7:00 PM Evening service speaker: Bishop Harry L. Herman, Diocesan NDC

Saturday - (Christian Education Association and Pentecostal Young People's Union):
CEA (9:00AM - 1:00 PM)
11:15 AM - Seminar by Sfg. Bishop Rush Lockhart, New Hope Tabernacle - "How To Determine Your Gifts"

PYPU (1:00 PM - on)
Evangelist Sandra Riley will be the evening speaker.

Friday March 29th at 11:00 a.m. 1st Lady of the P.A.W. and Greater Grace Temple- City of David, Lady Crisette Ellis will be the key note speaker for the Minister's Wives and Widows.

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