Good Samaritans Save Passed Out Driver By Smashing Truck Windows

Good Samaritans Save Passed Out Driver By Smashing Truck Windows

One group of good Samaritans saved a man who was passed out in his truck by smashing into the vehicle’s back window.

The incident happened on a busy Georgia interstate. Several people noticed a man who was unconscious and slumped over the steering wheel of his truck. So, they went to work, and their actions saved the man and many others on the highway that could have been endangered.

The scene was captured on video and first shows strangers running alongside the drifting vehicle while trying to get the driver's attention. Then the truck comes to a stop in the middle of the highway.

As the good Samaritans spring into action to try to wake up the man passed out in the front seat, they use everything that they can find to bust open a window. From a sledgehammer and a car jack to even a baby stroller, nothing seemed to be working at first.

“We took the jack and tried to bust out the front window and I was out of luck,” says a pastor who had just left church when he stopped to help.

Finally, one of the people in the group went to the truck’s back window and was successfully able to break it in. Once the paramedics arrived, they treated the driver who was suffering from a medical emergency. And the good Samaritans were able to use the man’s cell phone to contact his wife to let her know what was going on.

“It brought joy to my heart,” says the pastor who was at the scene. “It felt good to see people, strangers who did not even know each other, to come together.”

Thank goodness this group of people took the initiative to help out this man in need! Because of their actions, this man, as well as others on the road, were saved from harm.

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