The Power of Remembering, Thanksgiving, and Praying, Part 6 (Praying Through the Bible #307)

The Power of Remembering, Thanksgiving, and Praying, Part 6 (Praying Through the Bible #307)

TEXT: Philippians 1:1-10

In our last message we used Paul's example of praying for the Philippians to show how we should love and pray for our brothers and sisters in Christ. Paul had a heart of true love and concern for the believers in Philippi. And he showed that heart by praying that: (1) their love for each other would "abound" or grow exponentially, (2) that their love for each other would be coupled with "knowledge" and spiritual growth, and (3) that their love for each other would be coupled with "judgment" or discernment.

Furthermore, in verse 10, we read that Paul prays that the believers may "approve things that are excellent."

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