Baby Loves Replica Doll Of Daddy Serving Overseas

Baby Loves Replica Doll Of Daddy Serving Overseas

It’s never easy to watch a loved one leave, especially when they are leaving to go fight overseas for our country. But this is the reality that many families in our nation must deal with each and every day. They are separated from their family member and must navigate the world without them for an extended time period. This could mean celebrating births, birthdays, holidays and more without your loved one by your side.

It can be especially hard to explain this to a child who doesn’t quite understand why mommy or daddy can’t come home right away. That’s exactly what happened in this case of this military family but they came up with a heartwarming solution. Army Sergeant Chase Briscoe is on a 9-month deployment and he had to leave behind his wife, Deanna Briscoe, and infant son, Nathan.

Nathan and his daddy had a very special bond and after Sergeant Briscoe left, Nathan was having a really hard time sleeping. He would cry all night and Deanna could not figure out why. The only thing that had changed was that Nathan’s dad was no longer there in person. So Deanna decided to have a replica doll made that looked like Sergeant Briscoe and even had his voice inside. As soon as they gave baby Nathan the doll, his mood immediately changed. Now, Nathan has a piece of his father with him at all times and the entire family looks forward to reuniting in person. How precious is this sweet boy and his daddy doll?

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