John Crist And The Honest VBS Volunteer

John Crist And The Honest VBS Volunteer

As summer approaches, popular Christian comedian John Crist shares some honest thoughts from a VBS volunteer.

Vacation Bible School is a yearly tradition at many churches around the country. Children from all over the area are invited to participate in fun activities and events that demonstrate the Word of God.

While VBS is an exciting time, it can also be a bit stressful. There are lots of little details to work out and everyone wants the program to run smoothly. Normally, this is a weeklong event, so there are lots of moving pieces to put together. As a pastor’s kid, comedian John Crist knows all about Vacation Bible School.

Today, he is sharing some hilarious thoughts from an honest VBS volunteer and it has me laughing out loud. There is nothing I love more than a good laugh, and John never fails to bring them. He always likes to poke a little fun at the church, but each of his jokes are all in good spirits. He definitely exaggerates a little, but you can't deny that there's a little bit of truth to these VBS thoughts.

How about when John says, “I don’t know if the weather will cooperate today but if it doesn’t we’ll just go inside and watch Veggie Tales.” I do not know where John comes up with this stuff but it is downright hilarious! Have you ever volunteered for Vacation Bible School? If so, can you relate to any of these funny thoughts from John Crist?

Honest VBS Volunteer

Honest VBS Volunteer

Posted by John Crist on Monday, June 4, 2018

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