The LORD is my Rock

The LORD is my Rock

Psalm 144:9 says to praise Him with a 10 string instrument, so I bought a 10 string harp long ago to play a few notes before morning devotions...I have NO music training whatsoever, I think I'm tone deaf, only kid not allowed to sing in chorus in my whole elementary school when I was young, but I wanted to praise Him and this song came to me. I'm thinking this is way too simple, notes lining up to the words? That's not how it's done, right?...But it expresses my heart. God is amazing, so grateful to Him!

"I will sing a new song to You, O God, on a harp of ten strings I will sing praises to You, the One who gives rescue to kings, Who delivers David His servant from the deadly sword..." (Psalm 144:9) So lame as I am, this is my new song, so grateful to Him!

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