Prophet Elijah Anoints Ha Mashiach On Sunset Purim 2019

Prophet Elijah Anoints Ha Mashiach On Sunset Purim 2019

PROPHECY FULFILLED: Here are the facts...

- Rabbi Chaim Kanievsky said that the Messiah would appear on Purim. He did.

- Rabbi Glazerson found a Torah Code saying the Messiah would be anointed on Purim. He was.

- Glazerson also found a Torah Code saying Elijah would anoint the Messiah. That happened.

- Torah Codes discovered identifying the Prophet Elijah.

- Torah Codes discovered confirming RayEl as the Messiah.

We also corroborated Glazerson's findings and discovered that RayEl would be anointed by Elijah on Purim at sunset.

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