I HAVE BEEN SHOT! The Emilio Piontes Born Again Testimony: Part 1 of 3

I HAVE BEEN SHOT!  The Emilio Piontes Born Again Testimony: Part 1 of 3

The need to be accepted for who we are runs very deep in most people. Emilio Piontes had that need. Moving from Venezuela to Chicago, Illinois at a young age, the language barrier and cultural shock drove he experienced found him even more needy than ever to find some way to be accepted. He seemed to find acceptance in street gangs, and so in his teenage years, being in a street gang not only filled his need for acceptance, the gang world was also his identity. With gang violence came drugs, and with drugs came prison. Yet even while in prison, he still found security and acceptance being a gang member behind prison walls. In his world of drugs and crime and prison, he was a heroin addict for 17 years. From being shot by someone he was going to rob for money for another drug fix, to knowing nothing about God and Jesus Christ and about his dying on the cross for our sins. Yet through it all, God was patiently working behind the scenes. To view this entire testimony, you can click on http://www.precious-testimonies.com - click on TESTIMONY DIRECTORY, and scroll down to the name of Emilio Piontes

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