Glory Has Come

Glory Has Come

An original song by Seven x70 about the return of Glory.

Show me heaven in my time
show me where I missed the mark
show me freedom like I never knew
most of all show me you

give me freedom in this life
and an ending to all this strife
all the things I thought I couldn't do
I can do all only in you

I look into the eyes of death and see
it won't be long and it won't be long
death laughs he's staring back at me
but he don't know whose son I am

over it's all over the war is over and glory has come
defeated death is defeated glory repeated is glory come
over it's all over the war is over and glory has come
defeated death is defeated his glory repeated is glory come

Glory has come to heaven and earth
glory has come and I'll tell you what it's worth
treasure laid up in heaven above
raze the roof 'cause glory has come
glory has come
glory has come
glory has come...

© Copyright 2022 Sevenx70 Music

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