The Kings’ Nutcracker Suite’ A Cappella Christmas Song From Kings Return

The Kings’ Nutcracker Suite’ A Cappella Christmas Song From Kings Return

Four supremely talented young men, Kings Return, turned in an utterly delightful and awe-inspiring Christmas-themed musical performance.

There are several Christmas-themed films and songs that are heard and watched every single year. For some families, listening to those songs or viewing those movies and television specials has basically morphed into an annual tradition. 

Some of those beloved Christmas songs come from the classic Nutcracker ballet. There are several tunes from that work that most are likely familiar with but do not realize it came from a ballet. In a clip posted on YouTube, the group Kings Return performs those memorable and classic tracks a cappella.

The nearly 4-and-a-half-minute video features four talented gentlemen displaying their God-given gift for sound. The sound the guys create is literal music to the ears. It’s so soothing, calming and pleasant. One could easily listen to these guys for hours without ever getting tired of their sound. 

Not only do the four guys sound terrific, but the video is also a sight to behold. Viewers get one shot after another of a stunningly beautiful restaurant decorated in Christmas décor and an apartment adorned with wreaths, lights and a Christmas tree. 

As viewers listen and watch the Christmas-themed clip, they’ll be immediately overwhelmed with the holiday spirit, feeling as if they are now fully ready for the Christmas season. Christmas and all the fun and excitement that typically accompany the holiday season and Christmas Day radiates from that video. 

Likely, while listening and watching Kings Return beautifully and masterfully perform the songs from The Nutcracker, a strong feeling of nostalgia will wash over you. Memories and images of Christmases long past will come rushing back. You’ll unexpectedly find yourself wanting to go back and relive and experience those special Christmas celebrations for just a few moments. 

Colossians 3:16 “Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.”

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