Mesmerizing “Breathing” Tree Goes Viral

Mesmerizing “Breathing” Tree Goes Viral

Take several looks at this fascinating, 9-second video of a mesmerizing “breathing” tree that went viral! It’s not like anything you’ve seen, and certainly it’s fortunate that it was digitally captured!

The photographer that caught this miracle moment was working to assist hazard trees in a forest somewhere in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Hazard trees are those that are not structurally sound and may present a danger to people or property. The area had experienced heavy rainfall and high winds, and a few trees had been taken down. While working, the crew heard a loud crack and noticed the tree. 

We see the tree expand a bit like a tube of biscuits does once pierced with a spoon. The split in the tree runs vertically, and the tree slowly opens up as if taking a nice, big breath. And, it’s not merely a few inches of separation! Though it’s hard to tell exactly, the tree’s trunk opens significantly, and then it slowly returns to its original shape. As it opens, we can see the beautiful amber color of the wood hidden beneath the gray bark. But, more importantly, we observe the glory of God’s creation!

The wind in the area had caused the tree to appear to be breathing. There are other similar videos online. Check out this one, also in Canada, in which the tree seems to move on a mysterious magic carpet of earth. A meteorologist explains how the weather caused this event as well.

Sure, there is science that causes crazy phenomena like these. But, behind the science is a creator that makes the weather, the earth, the creatures, and all the amazing, majestic trees perform as they do! 

Trees are splendid things. We know about Family Trees and Survivor Trees and The Giving Tree. We know about The Tree of Life, too. Trees, in all shapes and types, are just another tremendous gift from the God who created it all! 

“Many, Lord my God, are the wonders you have done, the things you planned for us. None can compare with you; were I to speak and tell of your deeds, they would be too many to declare.” Psalms 40:5

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