3 'Mermaids' Help Save Group Of Divers Struggling In Water

3 'Mermaids' Help Save Group Of Divers Struggling In Water

Imagine a divine life-saving moment with glittery fins! It’s something out of a fairy tale when three ‘mermaids’ help save a group of divers struggling in the water. 

Josh Claramunt was scuba diving off the coast of Catalina Island with his father Javier and his friend Pablo Avila when they soon found themselves unable to swim, much less tread water. 

With their lives on the line, Josh began shouting for help when the most incredible scene unfolded; three real life mermaids came to the rescue, fins, tales, and all. 

Three women who brought their childhood hero Ariel (from Disney’s The Little Mermaid) came to life when they joined the Professional Association of Diving Instructors Mermaid Program.” 

Had I known about this organization, I could’ve moved to the coast and joined a mermaid club. I could’ve proved to my mother that all the hours I spent in the tub diving and swimming like Ariel could’ve helped me as an adult. And I would definitely be wearing a tail right now. 

It’s also proof that God takes our childhood dreams and creates a purpose. 

That’s right; these ladies are not only highly skilled and fit, but they also wear fins! 

Chin, Elle, and Elaina were off the coast that weekend for a training exercise when they came across the scuba divers in desperate need of rescue. When they witnessed what was unfolding, Chin, Elle, and Elaina wasted no time in getting the men to safety. One of the mermaids even gave mouth-to-mouth to one of the divers, who couldn’t believe a woman was saving him with a mermaid tail!

When these mermaids were asked about their rescue, Eliana answered, “It was just a miracle that we were there. Really, it was divine timing.” 

After the dramatic and fairytale rescue, Josh was reunited with his life-saving mermaids, and he was incredibly grateful. He says they will be bragging for years to come about how they were saved by real-life mermaids.

Perhaps they were more like real-life angels in disguise. 

"For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them,” Ephesians 2:10.

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