Dancing Horse Displays Its Impressive Moves

Dancing Horse Displays Its Impressive Moves

A large but surprisingly agile and gifted animal showed off some impressive footwork, dance moves that would make many people envious. 

Dancing is an art form that can take years and years of dedicated, intense practice to learn, and even then, it still won’t be perfected. But moving to an upbeat and catchy tune always makes for a fun time. It doesn't matter if we have any skills on the dance floor. Of course, it’s always a much better experience if we have some idea of what we’re doing, especially if other people are watching. 

As one hilarious video shows, humans are not the only creatures on Earth that enjoy busting a move. A horse pulled out a few fancy steps, moving and grooving to the beat.

In the short, 40-second clip, Caribbean-type music begins playing. A woman standing next to a horse starts moving along to the beat. She shows, in a few steps, that she possesses plenty of rhythm and coordination. 

Soon after she begins dancing, she performs moves like the always-popular Hokey Pokey. She puts her right foot forward and then moves it back and forth, shaking it all about. But then something unexpected and hilarious happens.

The horse standing on her right follows her lead. The massive animal then emulates its owner. It places its right leg forward and drags its limb back and forth. The horse then performs a similar move with its left front leg, putting it forward and kicking it backward. 

Animals are smart beings, much more intelligent than a significant portion of the population would like to admit. The animal in the clip watched the young woman, saw what she was doing and then mimicked her motions. Animals are fascinating creatures. 

The horse, while not a Fred Astaire, in just a few moves, demonstrated that it is probably a better dancer than a lot of people. 

Proverbs 12:10 “An upright man has thought for the life of his beast, but the hearts of evildoers are cruel.”

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