Unique Cover Of “I Will Always Love You” By Dave Fenley

Music lovers remember Dolly Parton’s version and Whitney Houston’s version. Still, this unique cover of “I Will Always Love You” by Dave Fenley will likely join the shortlist of arresting recordings for one beautiful song!

Dolly Parton wrote and recorded the song in 1973, and Whitney Houston recorded a soul-ballad arrangement of the hit for the 1992 movie The Bodyguard. Watch here as Dave Fenley of America’s Got Talent and The Voice fame updates the song once again. His rendering is hypnotizing!

Dave, Brian Sutherland on the guitar and cello, and pianist David Dorn are shown in a sepia-toned man cave for music men. Dave looks like another member of the Duck Dynasty crew with his facial hair and cap. But, this guy is a singer rather than a hunter or fisherman. And, boy, can he sing!

Slowing the love song down from both the widely known versions, Dave is controlled and reserved. There are far fewer fancy vocals and runs. “Restraint” is too severe a word because that would indicate tension. Instead, his delivery is natural and perfect for the story being told. This may be one of the best covers you’ll hear in a long while!

Featured at 1:50 in the video, the cellist gives one goose-bump-producing bit of strings! We see the guys sharing a beverage and working on the song production. Dave checks his phone a few times, chats with his fellow artists, and smiles as if happy with the completed project. They seem like a down-to-earth group of musicians. However, Dave’s recording is far from regular!  

Born in October 1979, Dave started singing as a child in the children’s choir of the Southern Baptist church his family attended in Lufkin, Texas. Incidentally, like Duck Dynasty’s Robertson Family, Dave is a Christian and values his faith. 

Dave’s family later moved to Canada, which allowed the singer to be exposed to a variety of other types of music. Dave developed an appreciation for all types of music and has embraced a “genre-free philosophy” for his shows, keeping audiences guessing throughout Dave’s performances. 

Ms. Dolly wrote a poignant song back in 1973, and Dave Fenley has again breathed new life into her work. We’re betting she approves! 

“We have different gifts, according to the grace given to each of us. If your gift is prophesying, then prophesy in accordance with your[a] faith;” Romans 12:6

Source: Dave Fenley

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