I'll Meet You There (Daddy's Song)

I'll Meet You There (Daddy's Song)

This song was written and recorded after the passing of my Daddy. The biggest lesson he taught me was integrity. Do everything with integrity. It was just 9 days from diagnosis to death for my Daddy, but he’s not dead. He’s just replaced this earthly body with his perfect one in heaven. After telling me how he knew he was going to heaven (He knew/knows Jesus), I can rest assured that He is in heaven.

You see, I know his new address! While it sucked that he passed away (just being real), the is such a joy that I know that I’ll be reunited with him one day in heaven. Our prayer with this song is just that. That no matter what the loss is or was for anyone, that they know the love and compassion of our Lord steps in and has them in His hand. And if God will do that for our loved ones in heaven, He will certainly do it for us while we still wait to be with Him.

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