Chimpanzee Freed From Testing Facility Sees Sun For The Very First Time

Chimpanzee Freed From Testing Facility Sees Sun For The Very First Time

One animal had a thoroughly adorable reaction as she gazed at the sun for the first time.

Animals are much smarter, both in terms of intelligence and being able to read and understand a situation, than most people admit. After some training, animals can become emotional support for people who may need it. The animals know and understand when their owner is experiencing an episode and provide the necessary comfort. 

Also, Animals pick up on changes, even the most minuscule of ones. Move anything in your house, and cats will pick up on it instantly. Even simply rearranging a chair or moving a rug will result in the feline smelling every inch of the item for 10-20 minutes.

So, since knowing this about members of the animal kingdom, it should come as no surprise that a chimpanzee immediately spotted a change in its surroundings. But that doesn’t make Vanilla’s, a 29-year-old chimpanzee, reaction any less precious and touching when the animal got her first look at the sun. 

A clip posted on YouTube shows Vanilla, who had “spent virtually her entire life in a testing lab,” exiting a facility. After the chimp jumps out of what appears to be a window, it’s greeted by a fellow chimpanzee. The two animals share a loving embrace, and then Vanilla gets a gander at the sky and sun. 

The sweet expression on the animal’s face says it all. Vanilla is blown away. She continues looking at the sun, seemingly unable to comprehend what her eyes are seeing. 

As the short video mentions, Vanilla’s darling reaction comes after she had been transferred to a Florida sanctuary. 

May Vanilla have many more days and fun times enjoying and taking in the Florida sunshine.

Genesis 1:21 “And God created great whales, and every living creature that moves, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good.”

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