Military Miracles

Military Miracles

Trailer for a show called Military Miracles.

This story chronicles the amazing adventures of the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment in their battle for Baghdad in the first 21 days of Operation Iraqi Freedom in 2003.

It clearly shows how they experienced Divine Protection and Provision.

Military Miracles tells the stories of three Marines from the 1st Battalion, 5th Marine regiment during the first weeks of Operation Iraqi Freedom.

As they enter Iraq and their regiment fights through the desert and into Baghdad, they experience a number of inexplicable events which can only be described as miracles.

This program tells their stories and how these miracles changed their lives.

A DVD is now available for $20 including shipping and taxes in North America.

Part of the proceeds will go to Soldier's Angels.

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contact me at win (at) militarymiracles (dot) com

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