In John 13:34 we are commanded to Love as God Loves. In 1 Peter 1:15 we are commanded to be Holy for He is Holy. Hence we are to LOVE HOLY.

In 1 Peter 4:7-8 we are told above all things to be fervent in this Holy Love as we see the day of Christ's return approaching.

There are 20 Acts of Agape-Love that are necessary for God’s Holy Love to be complete. Do you know them?

Here Are Ten Reasons We Should Know All We Can About God’s Holy Love:

1. It is arguably the most important subject in the Bible

2. To live it is to have a deep intimacy with God our Father, Jesus our Savior, and gain holiness and fruitfulness beyond our wildest imaginations

3. To fail to live it makes us and every Christian thing we do worthless

4. It is who God is, it is who Jesus is, and it is who we are to become

5. It is the goal and focus of all of Scripture

6. It is the only way we can be conformed into the Image of Christ

7. The 20 Acts are naturally against our nature, so we must study them and pursue them diligently to live them successfully

8. With it we can overcome controlling behaviors and deepen all of our relationships

9. Break any of the 20 Acts, and we break the whole commandment

10. It should be our most defining characteristic

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