Thank God I... Found My Soulmate (Author Opportunity)

Thank God I... Found My Soulmate (Author Opportunity)

Love - without doubt - is a powerful emotion. Songs, poems, movies, books, and even art... Love has inspired many of history's greatest - and most popular - creative works. Romantic love especially, has consumed the money, thoughts, and attention of most people at one time or another. Those who DON'T have it, seek to find it. Those who DO have it, seek to keep it. It has even been said, "Love is what makes the world go round." If you have found YOUR soulmate, many would consider you "lucky in love". Is this you? Have you found... the LOVE of your life? If you have found YOUR heart's true soulmate and want to share your gratitude for this discovery WITH the one you love - and the world - we can help. Express your love NOW in a way that will last forever. If you can say, "Thank God I... Found My Soulmate," Visit to share your story of LOVE today.

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