Video 166 Sorrow And Anguish Over Christ Suffering On The Cross

Video 166 Sorrow And Anguish Over Christ Suffering On The Cross

During my morning devotions I was moved to include that most blessed Hymn " When I Survey The Wondrous Cross" I had planned to just play it for the first video

in preparing videos for Hebrews 2 in our study of Hebrews I was overcome with such sorrow and in anguish as I listened to the song and was caught up in actually feeling such sorrow and grief for the suffering that our Lord Jesus Christ endured on the cross that I was not able to hold back the tears and expression of love for such a God who would prepare himself a body as the eternal Word of God who was made flesh and then suffer in that body and shed his precious blood for all and that it should include such a wretch as me.

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