Are you a friend? - Lucky Jesus "I'm a Christian" - Witnessing is Love - Christ Saves -- Oberhansly

Are you a friend? - Lucky Jesus "I'm a Christian" - Witnessing is Love - Christ Saves -- Oberhansly

If you have the cure for cancer, and your mother has breast cancer, would you give her the cure? Of course.

What if all your friends have cancer, and you decided not to tell them you have the cure. Wouldn't that make you a criminal to some degree? Knowingly let someone die, all while it is in your power to help free their life.

I wrote this song a few years ago because of how guilty I felt through conviction from God. I know in the past and often even now, how I choose not to tell people about Heaven and Hell.

Everyone wants to go to Heaven, but few of us will tell them how because we don't want to face embarrassment. or rejection.

Even though it can be uncomfortable, if you are getting that feeling in the back of your mind or at the pit of your stomach to witness to someone - - Just do it.

You may be the life guard God is sending for that person.

Remember even if you are spit at, ridiculed, and rejected [hopefully more figuratively], assuming you are being tactful and loving - - Then remember God is who is being rejected not simply who you are.

Yet do pay attention to the attitude and delivery. We know there are a lot of people who claim to love God, but hate people like crazy - - Judging, bashing, acting pious and so forth.

No one was ever hated into Heaven.

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