Barlow Girl

Barlow Girl

Barlow Girl talking before song... Not exact quote, but close enough: "You are the chosen generation. You guys, God has chosen you to live now for such a time is this to go out in this world and to shake things up a little bit. You are called to change the world. You are called to make history. Don't let this world tell you who you're supposed to be in life. Don't let this world dictate to you how you're supposed to live. We're supposed to follow God and what He wants us to do in our life not what the world wants us to do. God has something so amazing for you to be in your life. He has something so amazing for you to do in your life. Don't miss it because of the distractions of this world. And you know what.. people might not understand at times why you're doing what your'e doing.. why you're standing up for what you're standing up for, but who cares what everybody else thinks! Who cares if people don't get how you're living your life. WHO CARES. You are called to change the world. You are called to make a difference so go out there and do it."

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