Wave Walker - Ben Calhoun, the lead singer of Citizen Way - VBS Music

Wave Walker - Ben Calhoun, the lead singer of Citizen Way - VBS Music

Who will be providing the music?

We're so excited about the music we could almost burst! Ben Calhoun, the lead singer of Citizen Way, will be performing 3 of his hit songs just for BOLT Vacation Bible School at home. It's as if Ben himself will be leading your kids in worship. The songs include:



Nothing Ever




Our friends at Go Curriculum have created an amazing new virtual VBS for churches who won’t be able to follow the traditional format this summer.

It’s not a modified VBS 2020 theme, but a brand new project build from start-to-finish with the pandemic restrictions in mind. It’s very flexible and could handle any plan your church is making for this summer’s VBS.

It works for an online only VBS at home and they included streaming rights with the purchase.
It works for backyard VBS if families want to host just a small group of close neighbors.
It works for reduced capacity VBS in your church building, their videos do all the hard work and removed the need for tons of volunteers.
It works for a virtual weekend VBS over in any format too.
Check out the preview video of their virtual VBS day 2 and be sure this program in the conversation with your planning committee.

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