The Missing People Choir Sings For Lost Loved Ones

The Missing People Choir Sings For Lost Loved Ones

In the middle of London, you can find a group of people singing their hearts out together while they try to heal them, too. This group called The Missing People Choir sings for lost loved ones, some who have disappeared decades ago and are yet to be found.

The Missing People Choir is composed of 30 different voices from every walk of life. But all the members share the tragic commonality of missing a loved one, many of which are children who have disappeared.

The mission of the choir is to raise awareness for the roughly 180,00 people who are reported missing in the UK every year. The choir was started back in 2014 by music producer James Hawkins, who wanted to create a space where people could find comfort with others who are grieving in the same way as them.

“There’s something about that communal singing together that has a healing power and property to it,” says James.

Peter Bowel is a member of the choir and he lost his son, Lee, back in 1988 when he went to a soccer match and never returned home. He was only 15 years old.

Before joining the choir, Peter was not a singer. But now he sings his heart out to his son.

“If he is in heaven then I just pray that he can hear us,” says Peter. “And he’ll know that we’re still thinking of him, that we still love him.”

Rosalyn can also relate to Peter and the loss that he has experienced. Her 14-year-old daughter, Alice, went missing in 2014. Rosalyn and her eldest daughter, Nina, make up two of the voices in The Missing People Choir.

Nina shares about how singing in the choir makes her feel closer with her younger sister, who had many musical talents.

“I feel like when I’m singing, I have that in common with her,” Nina says. “I can hear her voice. I can talk to her and say, ‘I’m really not as good as you are but, you know, I’m trying.’”

The Missing People Choir even performed one of the songs that Alice wrote when she was just 12 years old. Even though each member has suffered such tragic loss, there is comfort that they feel in their togetherness. When they unite their voices, they know that they are not alone.

Even in tragedy, we know that God will heal the brokenhearted and bind up their wounds. And what a beautiful thing to see how this group is supporting one another and honoring the lives of those that they have lost.

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