ABC News Anchor Amy Robach Learns Of Cancer After Live Mammogram

ABC News Anchor Amy Robach Learns Of Cancer After Live Mammogram

Can you imagine showing up at work and receiving bad news? What if that news was delivered to you on live TV? That was what happened when ABC News Anchor Amy Robach learned of cancer after a live mammogram!

“My first guest is one busy lady,” Ian Smith, host of The Doctors, said before welcoming Amy Robach onto his show.

Busy was an understatement. He cited her work as a journalist, her work with Good Morning America, GM3: What You Need To Know, and 20/20.

She balances her schedule by planning time for projects and herself, and prioritizing exercise.

Amy joined Ian to highlight her good practices of self-care, but also another important issue. They talked about her life-saving discovery of when she found out she had breast cancer. Amy received her first live mammogram on Good Morning America. She learned she had stage 2 of an invasive breast cancer.

When this new information she underwent chemotherapy and double mastectomy. Only after these procedures was she declared cancer free.

Ian began his interview by asking Amy, “What does Robin mean to you?”

She felt like she owes her life to Robin Roberts, who also works for ABC and Good Morning America.

“Well, Robin saved my life. And for that I will always be eternally grateful. She inspires me everyday. I used to look at her before I realized I, too, would become a cancer thriver and think, wow, look at that woman, battling bravely, not once, but twice. And still coming to work, still bringing that smile, still reassuring Americans about the world we live in, and look at what she’s personally battling. And I didn’t even realize how incredibly difficult and heroic that was until I myself went through it.”

Amy sees her role similar to what Robin did for her, “inspire other women to save another woman’s life.”

She “saw everything in slow motion” when she was first diagnosed with the initial malignant tumor. “I didn’t think cancer could happen to me.”

Cancer did happen, but she survived.

Since that time Amy has been a role-model for other women inspiring them to do what may feel overwhelming in the moment, but could save their very lives in the long run.

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