When Does God’s Word Return Void?

When Does God’s Word Return Void?

Study notes here https://goo.gl/1Eubcv.

What is biblical perfection https://goo.gl/vepJ4P

The lie of Imputed Righteousness https://goo.gl/2CAkyB

God does not hear sinners https://goo.gl/wNFLZv

Jesus is NOT a friend of sinners https://goo.gl/tdbd8A

The "Romans 7 Wretch" and "saved in sin" lie https://goo.gl/rC5Ha2

A Christian has NO "filthy rags"! https://goo.gl/15VNZe

If you believe you are saved in sin, a "filthy rag christian", repent, and go to The Way to The Cross study here https://goo.gl/Qetm4H.

Then read What is Biblical Perfection https://goo.gl/vepJ4P.

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