God Will Provide a Way

God Will Provide a Way

One of the most devastating things in life is losing something we cherish. Throughout life, we will experience losses, including family members, friends, and possessions. Britney Samuels’s father left her mother. Britney’s loss and devastation led to her and her mother becoming closer, and creating a business together. Britney knew that God would provide and make a way for the two of them.

The Bible says, “But my God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:19). God knows what we need. If there is anything your heart desires, ask Him, trust Him, and thank Him.

Tips for asking God to provide . . .
• Make sure what you ask will help build God’s kingdom
• Ask in the name of Jesus
• Thank Him

The World of Biblical Times creates alternative forms of biblical learning by visual expressions (comic books) and imagination (cartoons) in the Arts. To learn more visit TheWorldofBiblicalTimes.org.

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