
She Was Struggling And Didn't Think She Could Go On. But Then A Kind Officer Did THIS--Tears!

March 24, 2015

She Was Struggling And Didn't Think She Could Go On. But Then A Kind Officer Did THIS--Tears!

Act Of Kindness That Moved The World

Asia Ford used to weigh nearly 500 pounds. And one day she realized she couldn't live like this and needed to get healthy.

"...I woke up and I couldn't allow them [my children] to be on this earth without my help and the only way I would be able to help them is if I helped myself first," Asia said. 

So she started a difficult journey to get healthy. A journey I know I've started quite a few times! And after 2 YEARS of exercising and dieting Asia lost over 200 pounds, which is a serious cause for celebration.

"It's been a struggle because nothing is easy in life," Ford said, "It's been a lot of teary-eyed moments, but I know I want it for myself."

Now when most celebrations come with some ice cream or cake, this one was different. So Asia decided to celebrate by giving herself a new challenge. So she signed up to walk in a 10k race - that equates to 6.2 miles. That's a big goal for anyone!

Asia was was doing great until she started to get close to the finish and began to lose her steam. And it's what happened next that sent this whole story viral! Asia explained the whole thing on Facebook:

"I messed up and forgot to eat this morning, Lungs still under construction from the pneumonia and on top of all this at mile 4 my son TJ took my hand and ems stopped because I almost had a slip up with my breathing but a police officer by the name of Mr Gregory got out and took my hand to finish the race with my baby and I and WE MADE IT!!! This 6.2 miles meant more to me than any race ever so my message today is, You don't have to be 1st, AS LONG AS U DON'T GIVE UP AND U FINISH…YOU ARE A WINNER!"

The "Mr. Gregory" she mentioned is Police Lieutenant Aubrey Gregory you see with her in the picture above. When Lt. Gregory saw Asia he ran over and asked her if she wanted to quit. When she said 'No' he knew he had to help.

"I'm not going to let her quit, so I got out and she immediately grabbed my hand," Lt. Aubrey remembered.

And together Asia, Lt. Gegory, and Asia's son walked hand in hand.

"Your heart starts to fill up, you get those goose bumps and tingles all over your body," Lt. Gregory said, "When I watched her approach and I started to hear people scream and I let her go right there before the end and to see her raise her hands, there aren't words to express the way I felt seeing her be successful."

After Asia finished the race and achieved her goal the photos started began taking over the internet. Everyone who saw them was touched by the incredible kindness of Lt. Gregory and was inspired by Asia's journey.

"I have no words about the pouring prayers and support that has poured in my inbox, On my page, text, calls etc. I want you all to know that if I don't respond to your message please don't think I'm ignoring it, it's so many I can't get to them all. I thank God for you all and the officer who is my Angel," Asia wrote on her Facebook page.

Thank you Asia for your courage and for NOT giving up! You are a true hero and inspiration to people all over the world. And thank you, Lt. Gregory. Your actions were full of compassion and your true character was seen by all that day! Blessings to you both!


"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith."

2 Timothy 4:7 

For another great story on finishing strong, click here!

HT SunnySkyz, WHAS 11

Featured Image Credit: Youtube


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