
Little Girl Can't Sit Still In Church And Now She's Going Viral

November 03, 2017

Little Girl Can't Sit Still In Church And Now She's Going Viral

Sunday morning is here and everyone one is ready for church service. The adult choir is on the stage to lead the congregation in worship. The Children’s choir joins them, and all of the little children take their place.

Suddenly soulful music fills the room as the choir sings their rendition of Zach Williams’s hit song “Old Church Choir”. It is the most adorable thing to watch the children deliver such a joyous sound. They are filled with so much excitement, especially one choir member in the stands, Loren Patterson.


You couldn’t miss her, and it is not because of the bright pink shirt she is wearing. It’s because her dance moves completely stole the show. As soon as pianist begins to play, Little Loren immediately pats her legs and taps her little toes. You can tell that she is really feeling the tune.

RELATED: Tiny Girl Searches for Her Family at Dace Recital and Oh the Pure Joy When She Spots Them

It is no mistake that she is standing on the end of her line. She has just enough space to dance and sway without a care in the world. She claps, bobs her head and waves side to side, not missing a beat! And as soon as the chorus comes, she sings with her whole entire soul.

 “I’ve got a heart overflowing ‘cause I’ve been restored”

RELATED: Little Boy Sings Country Music During Bible Song

Loren is bursting at the seams as she sings every word of the chorus loudly and passionately with the most groovy moves to match. She is extremely happy to be up there singing!

“No, there aint nothing gonna steal my joy”

Her joy is certainly contagious! You can’t help but to want to sing and dance along with her.

WATCH: Little Girl In Church Choir Can't Stop Singing And Dancing

YOU MAY ALSO LIKE: Rhema Marvanne Sings Angelic Amazing Grace

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