Tips to Easily Transition to Middle School | Orlando Christian Teen Counselor

Tips to Easily Transition to Middle School | Orlando Christian Teen Counselor

Transitioning to middle school is one of the stressful events a child has to deal with. New anxieties such as their friends seeing them with their parents, physical education classes, multiple classrooms and teachers, getting to class on time, lockers, cafeteria, being different and the homework schedule cause stress to students. These stressors can be reduced by the help of parents. By taking a few extra steps you can help your child transition easier through this difficult time.

Such steps are:
Increase self confidence - Use small manageable tasks instead of the complete chore at one time.
Assist with organization - Buy appropriate backpacks and materials that are small enough to keep consistent.
Teach about failure - It is an important stepping stone in life and is essential to improving next time.
Become knowledgeable - It is not just like what you went through in the old days; there are new pressures, new changes and new social consequences that you need to support your child.
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