Take The Guns From Your Sons.flv

Take The Guns From Your Sons.flv

Take the guns from your sons is one of the truest videos on YOUTUBE and now we are introducing this same video to everyone on GodTube. It is a message of redemption; saving our kids from the street life and introducing them to a true Savior that came tobrbr

/ / seek and save the unrighteous. We all need to use this video as a tool to teach our young people about violence and what it does to one's inner spirit and to let them know that we have a Savior that is bigger than any gangs and bigger than any guns andbr
/ biggerbr / than anything one can imagine. We just need to seek Him and His righteousness and ask for forgiveness and accepting Christ into our hearts to be our Savior...He did it for me and He can do it for them.br /

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