Musicademy - Vocal Sampler

Musicademy - Vocal Sampler

Would you benefit from worship-focussed professional vocals training?

Transform your singing with this step-by-step teaching programme on this 4-DVD course. Buy them from

Learn professional techniques for breathing, projection and control, harmony skills and spontaneous singing all built around well known worship songs.

By following this DVD course you will increase your confidence and delivery as a singer and worshipper learning:

Correct breathing, use of the diaphragm, head and chest voice, falsetto and vibrato

Over 30 comprehensive vocals warm up exercises
Essential music theory made easy
Singing from scripture and spontaneous song
Harmony construction, backing vocals and working with a band

Hear your voice transform day-by-day with exercises to extend the range, tone and power of your voice. All under the guidance of vocal tutor Kate Silbur.

Approximately 2 hours of teaching on each of 4 DVDs including interviews and advice from worship leaders Brenton Brown, Vicky Beeching, Tim Neufeld (Starfield), Tommy Walker, Noel Richards, Leeland and Lloyd Wade.

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