Peter walking

Peter walking

Peter's accident came on Saturday September 6th 2008. While visiting a loft apartment with some of his friends, he sat down on a ledge in the loft, leaned back against a curtain that he thought was over a wall, and fell back about 12ft. onto his back/neck. He had a C6-7 fracture of the spine. After being taken to Decorah's local hospital, the ER doctor arranged for transfer to the Mayo clinic in Rochester Minnesota where they specialize in his type of injury. Peter improved by the day thanks to the amazing staff and visits from his friends, family, and his Rehab Unit neighbors Tyler Olson and Dalton Savage. Peter's release day was November 22nd. He is home but attends 4 hours of therapy 3 times per week. Keep praying! Your Prayers are working!

This week he decided we should just get a walker. Ok, we said. Do you think you might be pushing this too hard? I don't want you to get hurt. Well.....Peter knows better than we do. Tonight he decided to park the chair, stood up, reached for the sink and took 6 baby steps holding on to the sink with one hand and WALKED. Yes, I said WALKED. Must be the haircut he got today. I'll have to send Barber Bill a thank you. Seriously, we are shouting our thanks to God for all He has given Peter. I think we feel humbled every time we walk into the Rehab Institute. Peter is truly one of the miracles to have such amazing return. It seems I was just checking out the activation of his hip adductors at Mayo because I didn't believe it when they told me he had some activation....that was our first glimmer of hope. Now our hope is HUGE. You can't imagine our gratefulness for the blessings sent us, for the caring team pushing Peter, and for Peter's determination.

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