"My heart goes out to those who have suffered the pain of loss of loved ones, and I pray for healing for all who have lived through this tragedy. I hope this song will give all of you some comfort and peace."

- Trisha Greenwood

"From the bottom of my heart I present this video tribute, I express my deepest condolences to all 911 victims and families. On this day please know that you are not alone, because I and the entire world, grieves with you.

I use to work as a temp in the WTC and my sister was there when the 2nd plane hit, and by the grace of God she survived, so my reasoning's and willingness to help produce this project goes unsaid. I am blessed each and everyday I wake, and my only hope is that this video tribute will not only help comfort the hearts of many, but also stand as an eternal flame forever burning, forever echoing the names of all those who were lost on America's Darkest Day. Our Firefighters, Police Officers, the brave, courageous and unselfish strangers who risked their own lives to save others, with honor I must mention "Pablo Ortiz" A construction inspector at the Port Authority cleared the way to safety for more than 50 people in the WTC. "Frank D. Martini" Who held doors open on the 89th FL, and brought several MetLife Employees to safety. There are numerous stories of struggle and Heroism on 911. And this is what we should remember on this day, the courageous and unselfish acts of love, that spared the lives of so many on 911. They could have saved themselves, but instead they choose to lend a hand to help another in need. Let us remember these small acts of kindness on this day".

- "2ND" ICP Records

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