14. The different Godheads in Religions Today

14. The different Godheads in Religions Today

Cases studies: The different Godheads in Religions Today

Here is a Complete breakdown list of some of many Religions to occults, Cults denominations, etc

VN Sections

1. Intro

2. History

3. Sources

4. Rating system

5. Definitions

6. Intro

----Group A , Trinity

7. Followers of Christ

8. Non-denomination

9. Denomination

10.-Recap Group A, Trinity

----Group B, Second Influence Trinity

11. Preacher Evangelism

12. Cult evangelism

13. -Recap Group B, Second Influence Trinity

----Group C, Third Influence Trinity

14. Offering the salvation

15. Payable on death

16.-Recap Group C, Third Influence Trinity

----Group D, Satan Pentagram

17. Practioners of the Devil

----Group E, Oneness

18. Mediation faith

----Group F, New World Order

19. New World Order

20. Conclusion

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